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Author's Corner

Check-out the authors in the Academy.

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Dominique B. Brightmon

Dominique "Dom" Brightmon, DTM is a certified self-leadership expert with the John Maxwell Team from Baltimore, MD that empowers and equips others to share their stories.

Because of his love for books, Dominique has written and published “Going North: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself”, the follow-up bestseller, "Stay The Course: The Elite Performers 7 Secret Keys to Sustainable Success" and contributing author for the bestselling book, “Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy”.

Stanley McCluskey

Stanley McCluskey grew up in Alabama with his mom, dad, and three younger brothers. When he was twenty years old his parents divorced and he learned first-hand the phrase that a divorced friend had uttered to him two years prior, “divorce is worse than death.”

Stanley is an award-winning speaker in Toastmasters International and is available for author interviews and speaking engagements upon request. Stanley resides with his wife in Ellicott City, Maryland, and is the father of two daughters and a grandfather.

Clyde A. Middleton

Clyde is an author and  Maxwell Leadership Team Certified Coach, Teacher, DISC Consulatant and Speaker. For over 20 years, Clyde has been passionate about personal growth and leadership development. He brings a unique mix of talent and experience that shaped his philosophy and view of the world.
He is passionate about inspiring and equipping people to value themselves and others, by developing and maintaining a positive self-image, showing compassion to others, persevering in the midst of adversity, and creating a daily routine of successful attitudes and behavior. 


On April 28, 2022, at 1:32 PM, it happened and our world changed. Someone we love dearly was diagnosed with stage 4 Colorectal Cancer.
Colorectal Cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in men and women combined in the U.S. and is the second leading cause of death in men and women in the U.S.
We donate 25% of proceeds from ALL products and services sold to fight and provide resources to those affected.